Free shipping all over Turkey
Free shipping all over Turkey
Free shipping all over Turkey

 PLEASE, in accordance with the relevant law, please print and read the following contract text in 12 point and bold font. In addition; every buyer who shops on our website is deemed to have read and accepted all the articles of our sales contract below, which has been issued by us, without the need for further notice.
TEL.: +90 537 552 63 43
BUYER: Customer (The buyer is the person who shops from the website, which is the Seller's internet address. The address and contact information provided by the buyer in the invoice and contact information are taken as basis.)
By accepting this contract, the BUYER agrees in advance that if he approves the order subject to the contract, he will be obliged to pay the price subject to the order and the additional fees, if any, such as shipping fee, tax, and that he has been informed in this regard.
The subject of this contract is the sale and delivery of the goods/services that the Buyer ordered electronically from the Seller's Saygılar Halı website, having the qualifications mentioned in the contract and whose sales price is specified in the contract, in accordance with the provisions of the Law on the Protection of Consumers No. 6502 and the Regulation on Distance Contracts. determination of rights and obligations.
The buyer must be informed about the basic characteristics of the goods/services subject to sale, sales price, payment method, delivery conditions, etc. He accepts and declares that he is aware of all preliminary information regarding the goods/services subject to sale and the right of "withdrawal", that he confirms this preliminary information electronically and then orders the goods/services, in accordance with the provisions of this contract. Likewise, the right of withdrawal cannot be exercised in any way, as the return of products whose protective elements such as packaging, tape and packaging have been opened after delivery is not suitable for health and hygiene. Opening the product packaging is within the scope of the exception to the right of withdrawal.
The prices listed and announced on the site are the sales price. Announced prices are valid until updated or changed. If there is a product that has been announced for a limited period of time, the announced price will be valid until the end of the specified period.
The buyer declares that the data he entered into the system both when registering to the site and during shopping belongs to him or her or that he/she has permission to use and share it; He accepts and undertakes that he will not enter any data into the system that he does not own or have the right to use, otherwise all responsibility belongs to him. Öğretmenler. Preliminary information and invoice on the payment page are integral parts of this agreement. The Buyer is deemed to have accepted all the terms of this agreement as soon as the order is placed. The prices listed and announced on the site are the sales price. Declared prices and promises are valid until updated or changed. Prices announced periodically are valid until the end of the specified period.
This contract was drawn up by the Buyer on the date the order was placed. The goods/service will be delivered to the Customer at the address requested by the buyer. Packages that are thought to be damaged during shipment must be opened and checked in front of a representative of the company from which they were received. If there is any damage to the product, a report should be made to the cargo company and the product should not be received. If a report is not kept, the BUYER is deemed to have accepted that the cargo company has fully fulfilled its duty after the product is received.
4.1. BUYER accepts that he has read and informed the preliminary information regarding the basic characteristics of the products shown on the WEBSITE, the sales price and payment method and delivery, and that he has given the necessary confirmation for the sale electronically.
4.2. The PRODUCT is delivered to the delivery address specified by the BUYER on the WEBSITE, packaged and intact, together with its invoice, within 30 days at the latest,
4.3. If the PRODUCT is to be delivered to a person/organization other than the BUYER, the SELLER cannot be held responsible if the person/organization to be delivered does not accept the delivery.
4.4. BUYER is responsible for checking the PRODUCT upon receipt, and if he sees a problem with the PRODUCT caused by the cargo, he is responsible for not accepting the PRODUCT and for making a report to the CARGO company official. Otherwise, the SELLER will not accept responsibility.
4.5. The Agreement approved by the BUYER while shopping on the WEBSITE is sufficient and valid in all cases.
4.6. BUYER must have paid the price in full before receiving the PRODUCT, unless otherwise stipulated in writing by the SELLER. If the PRODUCT price is not paid to the SELLER before delivery, the SELLER may unilaterally cancel the contract and not deliver the PRODUCT.
4.7. If, for any reason, after the delivery of the PRODUCT, the bank/financial institution to which the credit card was used does not pay the price of the PRODUCT to the SELLER, the PRODUCT will be returned to the SELLER by the BUYER within 3 days at the latest, with all expenses borne by the BUYER. All other contractual and legal rights of the SELLER, including tracking the receivables for the PRODUCT, are reserved separately and under all circumstances. In order to avoid any hesitation; Credit cards, installment cards, etc. such as banks and financial institutions. Term/installment payment opportunities provided by issuing institutions are a loan and/or installment payment opportunity provided directly by the said institution; PRODUCT sales that take place within this framework and for which the SELLER collects the price in full are not considered installment sales for the parties of this Agreement, but are cash sales. The SELLER's legal rights in cases legally considered to be sales in installments (including the right to terminate the contract if any of the installments are not paid and/or to demand payment of the entire remaining debt together with default interest) are present and reserved. In case of default by the BUYER, 5% monthly default interest is applied.
4.8. If the PRODUCT cannot be delivered within 30 days due to extraordinary circumstances (such as weather conditions, earthquake, flood, fire) other than normal sales conditions and the delay exceeds 10 days, the SELLER informs the BUYER regarding the delivery. In this case, the BUYER can cancel the order, order a similar product or wait until the end of the emergency. If the PRODUCT price has been collected in order cancellations, it will be refunded to the BUYER within 10 days from the cancellation. For credit card payments, refunds are made to the BUYER's credit card or to the BUYER's bank account.
4.9. BUYER may report his/her requests and complaints regarding the PRODUCT and sales to the SELLER through the SELLER communication channels in the introduction part of the Contract.
4.10. For the delivery of the product subject to the contract, the product price must be paid with the payment method preferred by the BUYER. If the product price is not paid for any reason or is canceled in bank records, the SELLER is deemed to be free from the obligation to deliver the product.
4.11. The SELLER's communication, notification and has the right to reach the BUYER for other purposes. By accepting this contract, the BUYER accepts and declares that the SELLER may engage in the above-mentioned communication activities towards him/her. BUYER's rights in the Information Text and Privacy Policy on the Site are reserved.
4.12. BUYER accepts and undertakes to comply with the legal regulations and not to violate them while using the SELLER's website. Otherwise, all legal and penal liabilities that may arise will be borne entirely and exclusively by the BUYER.
You can return your order within 14 days with customer service approval, without opening the SELLER's product box. After your order reaches our return warehouse, it is examined and your money is refunded to your bank after the unopened confirmation is given.
Before receiving the packages that you think were damaged during shipment, open and check them in front of the cargo company representative. If there is any damage to the product, do not take delivery of the product by keeping a report with the cargo company. Please remember that if you do not keep a report, you accept that the cargo company has fully fulfilled its duty after the product is received.
In cases where any deterioration, breakage, destruction, tearing, use or similar conditions are detected in the product and the product is not returned in the same condition as when it was delivered to the customer, the product cannot be returned and the price will not be refunded.
If you return the product, your return will be completed within seven (7) business days from the moment the product reaches the company.
After the refund is approved, credit card refunds will be made within 5 business days. Your bank may not reflect credit card refunds to your account in the same statement period. In this situation you need to call the credit-card services of your bank.
The information specified by the BUYER in this Agreement and the information provided to the SELLER for payment purposes will not be shared with other third parties except the cargo company with which the SELLER has an agreement. If the SELLER is forced to disclose the information in question within the framework of administrative or legal obligations, the BUYER will not be able to hold the SELLER responsible. SELLER shall duly process the personal data of the BUYER, who is a party to the Contract, for the purpose of execution and establishment of this Agreement, within the framework of its primary and secondary obligations arising from Law No. 6698, and to prevent unlawful processing, access and disclosure of personal data obtained by the BUYER. declares that it will ensure data security to ensure that it is preserved with the data and that adequate technical and administrative measures have been taken in this context. The SELLER will also delete, destroy or anonymize the data whose purpose of processing is no longer valid, by complying with the periods stipulated in other laws. By approving this Agreement, BUYER accepts, declares and undertakes that he/she has been informed within the scope of the Information Text in accordance with Law No. 6698 regarding the processing of personal data by the SELLER.
SELLER records (including records on magnetic media such as computer-voice recordings) constitute conclusive evidence in resolving any disputes that may arise from this Agreement and/or its implementation; Consumer Arbitration Committees are authorized up to the value declared by the Ministry of Science, Industry and Technology, and in cases exceeding it, ISTANBUL ANATOLIA Consumer Courts and Enforcement Offices are authorized.
BUYER declares, accepts and undertakes that he has read all the conditions and explanations written in this contract and the order form, which forms an integral part of it, and has received, reviewed and accepted the sales conditions and all other preliminary information.
When the BUYER makes the payment for the order placed on the Site, he/she is deemed to have accepted all the terms of this agreement. The SELLER is obliged to make the necessary software arrangements to obtain confirmation that this contract has been read and accepted by the BUYER on the site before the order is placed.